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decoration hogar home dector home decorative art picture








Outdoor FM Bluetooth speaker wifi radio site radio

Outdoor FM Bluetooth speaker wifi radio site radio











drift scooter smart drifting scooter electric two wheel balance monocycle

drift scooter smart drifting scooter electric two wheel balance monocycle 


ブラシレスDCモータ、350 RPM 350ワット、15キロ/ Hの最高速度を保証
安定した範囲13キロ、屋内経験低速で4-5時間、プレイ時間の大容量、より耐久性のある158 WHサムスンのリチウムイオン電池、と。
バッテリー:36 V * 4.4 AH(158 WH)サムスンリチウム電池
充電器電圧:AC 110 V - 220 - V 50-60ヘルツ
充電時間:(含む)を1時間 - (含む)2時間
速度制限保護:速度を超える12キロ/ Hで、プロンプトアラーム削減
サイズ:584 * 168 * 178ミリメートル



2 wheels electric standing scooter self balancing monocycle electric bicycle

2 wheels electric standing scooter self balancing monocycle electric bicycle

(1) is recommended in dressed in a helmet, gloves, cycling elbow pads and knee pads and other safety protective equipment;
(2) should not be in the car more highway, and anywhere there are a lot of people ride;
(3) should not be on the bumpy road cycling, such as dirt, gravel road;
(4) should not be in more than 30 ° ramp riding up and down;
(5) is not recommended for children under 15 years old learning and cycling;
6. Do not recommend in cold northern winter cycling;
All landowners can not ride on the road;
In the actual process of cycling, may encounter a lot of the risk of sudden, so any time need to be careful driving. Personal injury not according to the instructions manual, so the company does not undertake any responsibility. So you need to learn more about the product security considerations, and in the process of driving carefully.
Primary feature corresponding to the product position resolution:
1. The power switch
2. The power indicator light
3. The charging socket
4. The pedal (can turn the fold up)
Open the power switch, check whether the power display normally, if only one soc, please charge before use:
1, when the power is on, wait for three seconds, let gyroscope balance, both before and after the push cart, confirm whether the machine open (not open when the wheel before and after shaking, not be moved after opening, can only move forward and backward)
Wear gear 2, after confirm the power, right foot step on the right pedal, the car stay close to the upper right calf, knee joint is pressure slightly back and forth, let the car movement before and after repeated practice, skillfully control vehicles after the next move
Push after 3, get in the car before, left leg, lean forward, give the car a little forward speed compensation, right foot step on the right pedal, can't stands motionless when get on the bus or the body will not balance, to let the bus is in the state of forward movement (principle with riding bikes)
After 4, get on the bus, the body slightly forward, the legs stand up straight and tall and straight ahead (don't bend the car) with open arms to find about balance, when light pressure on tiptoe, slowly forward, practicing over and over again. Study begins by crooked, about half an hour later will find the feeling, are applied in an hour, 3 hours later.
5, when practicing, crus swelling pain ministries, nervous, this is because the novice legs tightly clamp the car caused by friction, this is normal phenomenon, after three to five days disappear, after mastering cycling technology, little legs won't close to the car, the above phenomenon does not exist
6, want to slow down or stop, leans back or tiptoe lift, the car will slow down or stop completely, backward or tiptoe lift range, the greater the vehicle deceleration faster, special remind, movement range is not easy to ride forward or brake is too large, so as not to fall down. Do not, snap acceleration and deceleration, excessive forward back body.
7, batteries and on the local panel has rapid protection, after more than 12 kilometers per hour will call the police, please do not continue to speed up! Stop the power supply after more than 18 kilometers per hour, this car is a free motion, very dangerous! Please do not speeding, the consequence is proud!
8, if the battery is displayed in two, do not drive is on a downhill road, lest produce risk
9, the end of the ride, please give the local charge, about two hours, after full (display all four lights, light) remember pull out the plug, in order to avoid damage when charging the battery for a long time or a fire, avoid battery safety accidents (the combustion or explosion.



4-дюймовый динамик автомобиля с барабанной PP бумаги

4-дюймовый динамик автомобиля с барабанной PP бумаги
Поиск неисправностей:
Автомобильные колонки не звучат или охриплость из главных причин аккумулятор, чтобы сэкономить электроэнергию, реле автомобиль динамик и кнопки повреждение, повреждение роговой и так далее.

1. Проверьте рог щебечут, щебечут, если вы чувствуете, не ясный, глубокий и слабый, в основном плохой контакт.
2, несколько раз нажав на выключатель звукового сигнала, если рожок иногда, иногда не звонит, в основном нажатием контактные контакты выключателя внутри хорошо.
3, поверните рулевое колесо влево и вправо, если есть большая "шипение" звук трения, может обратиться в соответствующие части введения какой-то смазки.
4, если громкоговоритель не полностью, сначала проверьте, чтобы увидеть, если предохранитель перегорел, то отключите вилку динамика, используйте мультиметр, когда переключатель рога здесь имеет силу. Если нет питания, проверьте рога и рога реле жгут; если есть электричество, это само по себе динамик проблема, то вы можете попробовать отрегулировать регулировочную гайку на рога, чтобы увидеть, если звук, если все еще не звонит, вы должны заменить динамик.
5. Если рога щебечут скучно динамик само по себе, скорее всего, неисправен, то просто постучал колонки, большинство из них могут быть улучшены. Суставы плохо, особенно линия вокруг рулевого колеса, потому что использование часто, легко привести к износу.
6, Mifengbuyan легко влажные, хотя встроенный динамик закрыт, но если Mifengbuyan пошел в автомойку, легкий доступ к внутреннему пространству тумана или паров воды в воздухе, водяной пар, скорее всего, причиной контакты на влажные и делает не работа .
7, работа спикера в автомобиле низкая, а работы батареи, а если энергия батареи уменьшается, звук динамиков также снижается, чтобы проверить емкость аккумулятора является нормальным.

Кроме того, когда рог кнопку, вы можете использовать мультиметр или просмотра свет, чтобы видеть, видеть нет ни одного канала переток электроэнергии к терминалам колонок, и, если есть ток к клеммам, но рог не звучало, использование находится внутри рога регулировочной гайки для регулировки:
1, будет регулировать крепежный спикер Ослабить гайку, затем повернуть о регулировочной гайки. Направление вращения будет меняться в зависимости от производительности говорящего меняется, трудно сказать, какая сторона повернуть, но должны быть повернуты немного, а затем попытаться увидеть рог, то дальнейшее вращение.
2, лучшее место в регулировочной гайкой фиксированной рога.
3, фиксированная гайка фиксируется.
4, если объем недостаточен, подключите динамик к терминалам измерения напряжения и напряжения батареи по сравнению, если напряжение низкое, то, чтобы изучить точку подключения и линии проводки.

После более тестирования, колонки не звучат основные положения могут быть решены, как правило, обращают внимание на плохой контакт эрозии контактов и совместных проблем, спикер не удается добиваться профессиональных техников попытаться помочь, не слепо заменить динамик, динамик должны выбрать Примечание.


IPS Smart Balancing Drift Scooter Monocycle Scooter electric motorcycle scooters

(1) is recommended in dressed in a helmet, gloves, cycling elbow pads and knee pads and other safety protective equipment;
(2) should not be in the car more highway, and anywhere there are a lot of people ride;
(3) should not be on the bumpy road cycling, such as dirt, gravel road;
(4) should not be in more than 30 ° ramp riding up and down;
(5) is not recommended for children under 15 years old learning and cycling;
6. Do not recommend in cold northern winter cycling;
All landowners can not ride on the road;
In the actual process of cycling, may encounter a lot of the risk of sudden, so any time need to be careful driving. Personal injury not according to the instructions manual, so the company does not undertake any responsibility. So you need to learn more about the product security considerations, and in the process of driving carefully.
Primary feature corresponding to the product position resolution:
1. The power switch
2. The power indicator light
3. The charging socket
4. The pedal (can turn the fold up)
Open the power switch, check whether the power display normally, if only one soc, please charge before use:
1, when the power is on, wait for three seconds, let gyroscope balance, both before and after the push cart, confirm whether the machine open (not open when the wheel before and after shaking, not be moved after opening, can only move forward and backward)
Wear gear 2, after confirm the power, right foot step on the right pedal, the car stay close to the upper right calf, knee joint is pressure slightly back and forth, let the car movement before and after repeated practice, skillfully control vehicles after the next move
Push after 3, get in the car before, left leg, lean forward, give the car a little forward speed compensation, right foot step on the right pedal, can't stands motionless when get on the bus or the body will not balance, to let the bus is in the state of forward movement (principle with riding bikes)
After 4, get on the bus, the body slightly forward, the legs stand up straight and tall and straight ahead (don't bend the car) with open arms to find about balance, when light pressure on tiptoe, slowly forward, practicing over and over again. Study begins by crooked, about half an hour later will find the feeling, are applied in an hour, 3 hours later.
5, when practicing, crus swelling pain ministries, nervous, this is because the novice legs tightly clamp the car caused by friction, this is normal phenomenon, after three to five days disappear, after mastering cycling technology, little legs won't close to the car, the above phenomenon does not exist
6, want to slow down or stop, leans back or tiptoe lift, the car will slow down or stop completely, backward or tiptoe lift range, the greater the vehicle deceleration faster, special remind, movement range is not easy to ride forward or brake is too large, so as not to fall down. Do not, snap acceleration and deceleration, excessive forward back body.
7, batteries and on the local panel has rapid protection, after more than 12 kilometers per hour will call the police, please do not continue to speed up! Stop the power supply after more than 18 kilometers per hour, this car is a free motion, very dangerous! Please do not speeding, the consequence is proud!
8, if the battery is displayed in two, do not drive is on a downhill road, lest produce risk
9, the end of the ride, please give the local charge, about two hours, after full (display all four lights, light) remember pull out the plug, in order to avoid damage when charging the battery for a long time or a fire, avoid battery safety accidents (the combustion or explosion.



4 inch car speaker with PP drum paper

4 inch car speaker with PP drum paper

Further, when the horn button, you can use a multimeter or viewing light to see, to see there is no electricity flow channel to the speaker terminals, and if there is current to the terminals, but the horn did not sound, the use is located inside the horn adjusting nut to adjust:
1, will adjust the speaker fixing screw nut loosen, then turn about adjusting nut. The direction of rotation will vary depending on the speaker's performance varies, it is difficult to say which side to turn, but must be rotated a little bit, and then try to see the horn, then further rotation.
2, the best place in the horn fixed adjustment nut.
3, the fixed nut screw fixed.
4, if the volume is insufficient, connect the speaker to the voltage measuring terminals, and battery voltage is compared, if the voltage is low, then, to examine the connection point and the line wiring.

After more testing, speakers do not sound basic situation can be resolved, usually pay attention to the poor contact contact erosion and joint problems, speaker fails seek professional technicians try to help, do not blindly replace the speaker, the speaker should select Note.
